


AmyAmy老师,剑桥国际教育(中国)五级老师,英国利兹大学对外英语教学硕士(MA TESOL Studies, University of Leeds, UK)。雅思(IELTS)8分(9分),对学术英语和日常英语的学习和教学都颇有心得。她对语言的应用有极大热情,善于引导学生从兴趣出发,用“以学生为中心”(learner-centred)的教授方式,鼓励学生主动发现语言学习的乐趣,养成良好的知识积累习惯,激发学生的潜能。在寓教于乐,因材施教的原则下,让学生感受到英语作为通用语(English as a lingua franca),不仅仅是一门应试科目,更是开阔国际视野的有效工具。她希望与学生互相启迪,共同探索语言学习的魅力。Amy teaches CPE in Cambridge Global Education. She got her MA TESOL Studies degree from the University of Leeds, UK. She got 8 out of 9 on IELTS, and have rich experience in the teaching and learning of both academic English and everyday spoken English. She has a great passion for the application of English, and she is good at motivating learners to actively find the joy of learning a second language and to realise their full potential, with a good learning habit being developed, under a learner-centred instruction. On the principle of Edutainment, she aims to help learners understand that English as a lingua franca, is more than a subject, but an effective tool you can exploit to expand your outlook. She hopes to inspire and be inspired by the learners as well as exploring the charm of learning language together with the learners.主讲课程:PET、KET、剑桥五级


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  • 报名热线:400-6063-171
  • 咨询老师:王老师
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